A Better Bangladesh

The government of Bangladesh has been put on notice: improve conditions for workers by November 2022 or face a Commission of Inquiry – the highest-level investigation that the International Labour Organization (ILO) can carry out into a country that persistently fails to protect workers’ rights.

Why? Because 35,000 Bangladeshis die at work every year and 8 million are injured. Sexual violence is rife, millions of workplaces are barely monitored by government labour inspectors, and people are trapped in jobs with poverty wages.

What can you do? Click below to watch our video exposing the government’s lack of action then use the sign-up form to join the campaign and support workers who want a #ABetterBangladesh.

The government of Bangladesh is failing to meet the tests set out in the ILO’s roadmap to improve working conditions.

Sign up to the campaign and together — in solidarity with millions of workers — we can help build #ABetterBangladesh.

The ITUC is calling on the government of Bangladesh to immediately set up a transparent and effective monitoring mechanism for the implementation of the ILO road map and meaningfully consult with tripartite constituents on all the action points.

The government could have an immediate positive impact on working conditions if it undertook to:

  • Consult with unions in a meaningful and non-discriminatory way;
  • Comply with ratified ILO conventions;
  • Urgently make progress on the Bangladesh Labour Act, the EPZ Act and their accompanying rules;
  • Simplify the process of trade union registration;
  • Immediately end the intimidation of trade union officials;
  • Consult with unions on EPZ inspections and promote an effective national OHS system;
  • Ensure OSH committees are selected collaboration with elected worker representatives;
  • Address unfair labour practices and end the backlog of cases and complaints;
  • Establish a national living minimum wage.

Read our report that shows the human face of the government’s failure to put in place labour protections.

Signatures: 1.086 / 1.100