What’s the best job you’ve ever had?

While the pandemic is far from over, there are signs of hope on the horizon. Workers are calling for a New Social Contract for recovery and resilience with jobs, rights, social protection, equality, and inclusion.

As working people, we know that jobs are key: jobs provide dignity, purpose, help working families pay for food, housing, and other necessities. But the jobs of the future need to provide for more than just the basics — they should be good for the environment and for workers: providing livable wages, fairer working conditions, and rights that show employers recognize and respect our role in the organization’s and our shared economic success.

What do those jobs look like for you? Whether you’ve had a dream job in the past or haven’t yet, but know what your dream job would look like, tell us about the best job you’ve ever had, or the job you’re still dreaming about.

As we emerge from the pandemic, together with you, we’ll be making sure our governments understand they have just one job: creating jobs. Jobs must be the anchor of recovery because they give us — working people — the means to rebuild economies from the ground up.

Tell us about the best job you ever had — or the one you hope to have soon. Because with Just Jobs we can build a recovery for everyone.

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